

논 문 검 색

홈으로 • 마케팅관리연구 • 논문검색

pISSN: 1229-7798

마케팅관리연구, Vol.25 no.1 (2020)

DOI : 10.37202/KMMR.2020.25.1.39

- National Identity Activation in Discrete Contexts and Consumer Response to Patriotic Ads in South Korea -

Jinyoung Jinnie Yoo

(Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Marketing Department of Global Business Administration College of Business Administration Gachon University)

Dongwon Choi

(Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising and Public Relations College of Social Sciences Kookmin University)

Hyejin Bang

(Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication The University of Kansas)

This study aims to explore how discrete contexts of activating national identity influence Korean consumers’ responses to patriotism-themed ads. Specifically, this study proposes that (1) national identity activation will influence Korean consumers in responding to patriotism-themed ads; and (2) positive versus negative context of activating national identity would have different impacts on consumer responses to patriotism-themed ads. Findings from this study suggest that while both positive and negative context of activating national identity improve consumer evaluation of ads with a patriotic theme, such an effect was significantly stronger in the positive context.

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